Sick and more sick

Well if having a bowel obstruction wasn’t enough I’m home developed bladder infection G came and gave me a remedy let’s clear things up the Following morning I woke and had a sore throat and ear infection full blown cold on top of it I feel tired like when I’m like this because I have nobody around G is my only support my family have been joking non-stop about the bowel obstruction and been saying things like you in a crappy mood or oh sorry I forgot it’s a shity mood and I know that they only joking but I had to try and explain all to the older one things happened in my life it’s just not funny it’s been hard but I feel incredibly down and triggered and I haven’t been at work for 4 weeks going and I feel useless

Todays my first day out but I managed to get a few groceries for my family I sort out my sick leave but I just feel incredibly venerable scared and sad that’s alright because all I do is cry I feel like I have gone through it all over again.

My boss rang this afternoon to find out I was doing I was honest it felt good to be honest and say im still sick battling through this.

7 thoughts on “Sick and more sick”

  1. Lisa… You likely know most of what I’ve copied and pasted. You’ve likely tried to find the best help that you can get. I just was ‘googling’ anything that perhaps was different at all… that might offer more assistance than what you seem to have been getting… anyway.. here’s what I found .. (in Australia) for whatever it’s worth…. Diane

    Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops in some people after experiencing a frightening event.
    Post traumatic stress disorder
    A condition known as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops in some people after going through a frightening event. The symptoms of PTSD include:
    ā€¢ Flashbacks, intense memories and nightmares that are so vivid, it feels like the trauma is happening all over again
    ā€¢ Sleep problems, such as insomnia
    ā€¢ Withdrawal from people and situations
    ā€¢ Loss of interest in life
    ā€¢ Increased anxiety and watchfulness
    ā€¢ Nervousness
    ā€¢ Being easily frightened or startled
    ā€¢ Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
    ā€¢ Irritability
    ā€¢ Aggression and anger
    ā€¢ Severe depression, or deadening of emotions
    ā€¢ Loss of full range of emotions
    ā€¢ Problems with concentration
    ā€¢ Problems with learning new skills
    ā€¢ Memory problems
    ā€¢ Feeling like they have no future
    ā€¢ Problems with close relationships
    ā€¢ Loss of appetite
    ā€¢ Unexplained skin rashes, headaches, stomach upsets and other complaints that donā€™t seem to have a physical cause
    ā€¢ Thoughts of suicide.
    Common complications
    Some survivors of torture and trauma live with their memories for years, or even for the rest of their lives. They remember the event in daydreams and nightmares, while certain things (such as objects, situations or people) remind them so much of their trauma, they experience strong physical and emotional reactions of stress, terror, grief and despair. Without treatment, survivors of torture and trauma can have ongoing problems including:
    ā€¢ Inability to trust others
    ā€¢ Inability to form close relationships
    ā€¢ Problems with school or work
    ā€¢ Anxiety disorders, such as phobias or panic attacks
    ā€¢ Severe depression
    ā€¢ Problems with alcohol or drug abuse.
    Where to get help
    ā€¢ The Victorian Foundation for the Survivors of Torture Tel. (03) 9388 0022
    ā€¢ AUSTCARE Victoria Tel. (03) 9663 1600
    ā€¢ The Australian Psychological Society Tel. (03) 8662 3300
    ā€¢ Australasian Critical Incident Stress Association Tel. (03) 9663 2333


    1. Hi Diane
      Lovely to here from you again I do hope you are at least getting better.
      Thanks for that piece its something we’ve been over lots and always at forefront of my doctors mind..
      However it doesn’t solve any attacks and illnesses that manifest from ptsd it just gives a understanding how all are connected.
      Lots love take care lis


      1. in the same article it’s just that it had some telephone numbers of some organizations or something… which I didn’t know if you’ve heard of them or if they were of any use to you. I imagine you’ve just about looked at all the resources available … Anyway..take care.. Love Diane


      2. I saw that but doesn’t look like it’s in our country nz
        It looks like I picked up another bacterial infection well in hospital battling high temp..been 3 days But just had homeopathic remedyfor temp and feeling thousand times better in some ways not all..
        How are you doing D?

        Liked by 1 person

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